Cub Scouts participate in fun adventures that are specific to their grade in order to earn the rank associated with that grade. Completion of adventures is how the aims of character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness are developed. The ranks are:
Lions (Kindergarten)
Tiger (1st Grade)
Wolf (2nd Grade)
Bear (3rd Grade)
Webelos (4th Grade)
Webelos – Arrow of Light (5th Grade)
Pack and Den leaders are all volunteers – we have no paid staff. There are roles that are ongoing, like Den leader, and event-specific roles, like Pancake Breakfast coordinator. We welcome new leaders if you would like to volunteer – it’s fun and rewarding! All leaders must take youth protection training and pass a background check before volunteering. There is also position-specific training available from Boys Scouts of America.
Cub Scouting encourages closeness to family. The program will give parents opportunities to take part in activities with their child that they normally couldn't do. It provides a positive way for parent and child to grow closer together, and encourages families to spend quality time together. In this way, Cub Scouting is a program for the entire family, and parental involvement is vital to the program's success.