Cub Scout Pack 16 Madison, Wis.
Welcome to Pack 16!
Cub Scout Pack 16 was founded in 1943 at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Madison, Wisconsin. We hope you'll join us for family fun and adventure!
Who is in our Pack?
Pack 16 is a family pack and welcomes boys and girls of all backgrounds in kindergarten through fifth grade. Scouts in the Pack attend Blessed Sacrament School, or other schools on the near west-side of Madison including Franklin, Randall, Midvale, and others!
When do we meet and what do we do?
Throughout the scouting season (generally the school year), scouts attend both den meetings and pack meetings or events. Scouts meet about twice per month with their "Den" - a small group of scouts in the same grade. Dens are led by volunteer parents known as Den Leaders. Each Den organizes their meetings based on the families' schedules, and meeting are typically 1 to 1.5 hours in length.
The "Pack" - all the Dens together - meets once per month for a fun activity. Most Pack activities are on weekends, but might also be on a weeknight. An annual calendar is prepared each summer by the Pack Committee (parents).
Some of the annual activities include the always popular Pinewood Derby, where Scouts design and build a wooden car to race, Blue and Gold banquet and celebration, a pancake breakfast, service projects, hiking, family camping, and launching of Scout built rockets. There is camping in the fall and summer. Scouts have fun learning outdoor skills, character, and personal fitness.
Where does Pack 16 meet?
Many of our meetings take place at Blessed Sacrament Parish on Rowley Ave in Madison. Every Cub Scout Pack has a Chartering Organization, which assists the Pack by providing a meeting place and resources. Blessed Sacrament Parish has been our Chartering Organization for our entire history. However, Scouts do not need to belong to Blessed Sacrament Parish, or any other church or religion, to participate in Cub Scouts. We also hold meetings and events at local parks and other locations around the area.
What happens after a cub scout is in fifth grade?
In fifth grade, cub scouts have the option to "crossover" to a Scouts BSA troop, which are currently set up as either a "boy troop" or "girl troop." Pack 16 is paired with Troop 16, a boy troop, also chartered at Blessed Sacrament, and boy scouts from the Pack often crossover into Troop 16 in fifth grade. There are several girl troops in the area that girl scouts can choose to join.